Alizée Wiki

Finland This article is about Alizée's relation to Finland and not about the country itself. For more information about the country, click here!

Charts in Finland[]

Main article: Alizée chart history


Main article: Alizée albums

Gourmandises Peak: 26 Weeks: 5
Mes Courants Électriques N/A N/A
En Concert N/A N/A
Psychédélices N/A N/A
Tout Alizée N/A N/A
Une Enfant du Siècle N/A N/A


Main article: Alizée singles

Moi... Lolita N/A N/A
L'Alizé N/A N/A
Parler tout bas N/A N/A
Gourmandises N/A N/A
J'en ai marre! N/A N/A
J'ai pas vingt ans N/A N/A
À contre-courant N/A N/A
Mademoiselle Juliette N/A N/A
Fifty-Sixty N/A N/A
Les Collines (Never Leave You) N/A N/A